[C#] [SerializeField] Shortcut

[C#] [SerializeField] Shortcut


This Tutorial only works for Windows users since the software AutoHotkey is only built for it.

Why Do We Use [SerializeField]?

Exposing your fields with the public keyword is known to be a bad practice since other scripts are allowed to access variables we don't want to be changed externally.

public Transform transformField;

Using the attribute [SerializeField] for fields still shows them in the inspector, without them being accessible from other scripts.

[SerializeField] Transform transformField;

What is my Problem with [SerializeField]?

Pressing "alt gr" + "8", "ser" (german keyboard layout) and typing [ser] with it for my IDE (Visual Studio) to prompt me for autocompletion takes way too much time for how often I want to use it.

What is my Solution?

I first searched for a text-pasting program and found AutoHotkey, which is useful for script and shortcut creation/automatization.

AutoHotkey uses little .ahk scripts to run in the background and I found 3 ways to script get our shortcut to work:

  1. Utilizing the autocorrect feature of AutoHotkey like this:

::Text:: is the input which should be corrected to the text to the right :, which is [SerializeField] here.

Just type sf + Space or any other "EndChar" like tab or enter Types out [SerializeField] Letter by letter.

It's important to note that this may look fancy but is not an instant paste, which is a problem for larger text strings.

I've been using that one for months now and am happy with it.

  1. Pasting it preconfigured from your clipboard with this:
s & f::
Clipboard := "[SerializeField]"
Send ^v

s & f means that the command below gets executed if you hold s and press f,
Clipboard:= "[SerializeField]" means that it pasts [SerializeField] in your clipboard
and "presses" ctr + v with "Send ^v".
The last s::s part means that your s input doesn't get consumed if f isn't pressed.

It's different from the prior version in three ways: You need to hold s and press f like the combo shortcut it is, it pasts the text instantly and it occupies your latest ClipBoard spot like this:

  1. Printing/Sending it on shortcut pressed

     s & f:: 
     Send, [SerializeField]

    It uses the hold and press Shortcut from 2., prints out [SerializeField] letter-by-letter, and doesn't consume your unused "a" inputs
    (you couldn't type "a" otherwise)
    The letter-by-letter typing can be interrupted by your next input which again steals us a fraction of time.

    Last Setup

    1. To use a covered form of a [SerializeField] shortcut you'll have to download AutoHotkey and the desired script of the 3 above here.

    2. Double-click the script/.ahk file to get it running

    3. If you want the shortcut to always be active you can set it up as an autostart application, here's how:

      Head to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

      Username = your Windows user

      Rightclick to open this in the file and select New>Shortcut

      There you can paste the location where you saved your .ahk file
      or paste it directly.


      You are now in possession of a quicker way to use the [SerializeField] attribute in your preferred form and got a quick intro to AutoHotkey.
      The World is technically yours, take care.